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6 Things MPL Rubbing Alcohol can sort out for you

MPL Hair

MPL has always been at the forefront of providing products that are long-lasting and that add real value to everyday life. With a global pandemic in our midst, we took it upon ourselves to create a product that was not only functional but also made keeping safe a little easier. We at MPL have formulated a Rubbing Alcohol with 70%

Isopropyl Alcohol to help you keep your environment germ free while offering multiple usages. In this article, we are going to look at 6 things out Rubbing Alcohol can sort out for you!

1. Surface disinfectant

You can use MPL Rubbing Alcohol to disinfect all your counters as well as regularly used objects like scissors, keys, water bottles, etc. Using Rubbing Alcohol to disinfect your regularly used objects in the house will help you keep a cleaner house.

2. Cleaning blinds

How often do you clean your blinds? Let’s be honest, it’s easier to dust them and go but that does nothing about the germ build up as a result of not thoroughly cleaning. Rubbing Alcohol can help with keeping your blinds clean without the regular hassle.

3. Deodorising shoes

Nothing kills a great vibe like shoe odour. If you struggle with smelly feet, we can understand the embarrassment and thankfully, have something to help freshen up your shoes. Using rubbing alcohol inside your shoes to remove the odour and don’t forget socks!

4. Disinfecting mobile phone.

Our phones are primary carriers of germs and they’re always in our hands.

When disinfecting your hands and everything else you’ve touched, don’t

forget your phone.

5. Refreshing sponges.

If you don’t have a dishwasher, this one's for you! Our dishwashing sponges collect and carry with them, so many germs that aren’t visible to our naked eye. It’s easy to assume that the sponge is clean because it’s constantly drenched in soap and water but this isn’t enough. You can now soak kitchen sponges in rubbing alcohol to disinfect them and stop the transfer of germ from one utensil to the other.

6. Cleaning jewelry.

This is a huge one because it’s not commonly done. If you think back, when

was the last time you cleaned your jewelry? We’re not here to judge but what

we will say is, perhaps it’s time to use some Rubbing Alcohol with 70%

Isopropyl Alcohol to really penetrate through the layers of dirt jewelry can


We know that this is stressful but here is one product that will help you minus all six of the above from your to-do list. MPL Rubbing Alcohol is now available where you usually shop for your MPL products. Stay safe!

Love MPL

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