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6 reasons why you should add yoghurt to your hair care regime

Yoghurt is not only good for your skin but it works wonders on your hair too! The best part is, it’s readily available in your home. As a result, yoghurt has been used in numerous hair care recipes for centuries. In this article, we look at the benefits of using yoghurt in your hair so get ready to add an extra carton to your grocery list.

Image by Fillipe Gomes via Pexels

1. Eliminates dandruff

Yoghurt has antifungal properties, as a result, yoghurt helps to deep clean the scalp of any excess oil or dirt that is often the cause of dandruff. Yoghurt helps get rid of dandruff while ensuring that your scalp is healthy and clean.

2. Makes your hair shine

Because yoghurt contains nutrients necessary for healthy hair, applying it to your hair on a regular basis will make it not only healthier but also glossy and shiny.

3. Eliminates andruff

Your hair may become frizzy and unmanageable at times. One of the main reasons for this is a lack of moisture content. Using yoghurt on your hair moisturises and hydrates each strand, keeping it frizz and tangle-free.

4. Eliminates dandruff

It is critical to keep the pH of your scalp at an optimal level. When the pH level begins to fluctuate irregularly, the scalp's sebum production goes haywire. This causes greasy, dull hair and, eventually, dandruff. Yogurt aids in the regulation of scalp pH levels.

5. Soothes the scalp

Dandruff can frequently cause an itchy scalp. It can get so bad in some cases that the scalp turns red, irritated, and inflamed. Using yoghurt on the scalp will soothe the irritated scalp, providing immediate relief.

7. Natural Conditioner

Yoghurt is a natural conditioner for your hair, smoothing it and giving it a healthy, tamed appearance.

So what do you think? Would you like to know more about how to use yoghurt? Let us know in the comments!

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